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How to rip music from the hype machine

01 January 2012

Occasionally on the Hype Machine, a song is linked to in an external blog that no longer exists or the path has changed. If the song works when clicking play on HM then there’s a simple way to find out the URL and download it using Google Chrome as your browser.

  1. Load up Chrome, and press Ctrl+Shit+I to open the WebKit Inspector.
  2. Go to the network tab then go to the relevant HM page. If nothing appears in the Network tab refresh the page again. Wait a while for everything to appear.
  3. Click the “clear” button at the bottom of the network window (it looks like a forbidden icon and it’s to the left of where it says “All”)
  4. Then move your mouse over the play button on HM and click it.
  5. You should see a few things scroll in the “Network” window and one of those will be the MP3 file. Right click it and open in a new tab. Chrome will begin to play the mp3. Right click it and click “Save as” and bada bing bada boom you have your MP3 :)
